
The Woman's Advantage - 9781419535710

Un libro in lingua di Mary Cantando edito da Kaplan, 2006

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Whether you already own a business or are planning to start one, The Woman's Advantage: 20 Women Entrepreneurs Show You What It Takes to Grow Your Business is the book for you. Author and leading women's business expert Mary Cantando shows you how to harness often-overlooked resources—certification, referrals, and mentorship—and achieve lasting rewards by learning the lessons of top women entrepreneurs.The women featured, all owners of multimillion-dollar (and billion-dollar) companies, each started out small and grew their businesses through smart choices and by connecting with the right networks. Their hard-earned experiences offer a wealth of insights, including ideas on how to:• Position your business for breakthroughs• Differentiate your business from others in the same market niche• Leverage certification to reach companies eager to do business with woman-owned enterprises
• Network to develop powerful alliances, partners, and mentors
• Enhance your business success by maintaining a positive attitude, remaining healthy, and managing stressAlthough millions of women own businesses, fewer than 5 percent generate more than $1 million in annual revenue. The Woman's Advantage is THE comprehensive resource to both teach and inspire you to grow your business.

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