
The Stonehenge Legacy - 9781468300635

Un libro in lingua di Sam Christer edito da Overlook Pr, 2012

  • € 14.80
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This thriller is “one of those very rare books that is capable of both thrilling and chilling the reader” (James Becker, author of The Moses Stone). Eight days before the summer solstice, a man is butchered in a blood-freezing sacrifice on the ancient site of Stonehenge before a congregation of worshippers. Within hours, one of the world's foremost treasure hunters has shot himself in his country mansion. Teaming up with an ambitious young policewoman, his estranged son soon exposes a secret society—an ancient legion devoted to Stonehenge. With a ruthless new leader, the cult is now performing ritual sacrifices in a terrifying bid to unlock the secret of the stones.

Packed with codes, symbology, relentless suspense, and fascinating detail about one of the world's most mysterious places, The Stonehenge Legacy is a breakthrough novel of addictive and eerie suspense.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo del Libro in lingua: The Stonehenge Legacy
  • Sottotitolo: A Thriller
  • Lingua: English
  • AutoreSam Christer
  • Editore: Overlook Pr
  • Collana: Overlook Pr (Paperback)
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 25 Settembre '12
  • Genere: FICTION
  • Pagine: 362
  • Dimensioni mm: 203 x 136 x 0
  • ISBN-10: 1468300636
  • EAN-13: 9781468300635