
Inferno - 9781847493408

Un libro in lingua di Alighieri Dante Nichols J. G. (TRN) Dore Gustave (ILT) edito da Alma Books, 2014

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Inferno libro in lingua di Dante Alighieri, Nichols J. G. (TRN), Dore Gustave (ILT)

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A verse translation by a prize-winning translator with facing Italian text

Dante's dramatic journey through the circles of hell in search of redemption—and his encounter with devils, monsters, and the souls of some of the greatest sinners who ever walked on earth—is one of the cornerstones of Western literature, the summit of medieval thinking, and arguably the highest poetic achievement of all time. Inferno, the first part of Dante'sDivine Comedy, is presented here in a verse translation together with the original text facing, extensive notes, illustrations, and a critical apparatus focusing on the author's life and works.

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