
How to Keep Your Horse Calm and Relaxed - 9783861279204

Un libro in lingua di Renate Ettl Weyer Ute (TRN) edito da Cadmos Verlag Gmbh, 2006

  • € 19.60
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For riders who want to handle horses safely and to avoid accidents, a horse must be obedient and respect discipline. This book is not only a guide for safety-conscious riders who want an obedient horse, but also offers advice, plenty of exercises and a profound knowledge of a horse's natural behavior. Step-by-step, it explains how to train a horse to be a pleasure to own. It gives advice on the necessary equipment, how to work with fences and obstacles, how to establish a training schedule at home, how to work with difficult horses, how to avoid accidents, and how to stay calm yourself.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo del Libro in lingua: How to Keep Your Horse Calm and Relaxed
  • Lingua: English
  • AutoriRenate Ettl Weyer Ute (TRN)
  • Editore: Cadmos Verlag Gmbh
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 30 Novembre '06
  • Genere: PETS
  • ISBN-10: 3861279207
  • EAN-13: 9783861279204