
The Landlord's Troubleshooter - 9780793186013

Un libro in lingua di Robert Irwin edito da Kaplan, 2004

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Rental properties make up nearly 40 percent of the housing market, with investors increasingly interested in hands-on landlording.
Becoming a landlord is not for the faint of heart! As tens of thousands of new investors join the ranks of landlords each year, they need a mentor willing to show them the ropes. In this third edition, experienced investor and landlord Bob Irwin takes newbie landlords step-by-step through the process, explaining what no one ever bothers to mention about the landlording game. The Landlord's Troubleshooter is a clear, engaging guide that covers all the bases. It pays to start with the right property by analyzing the rental market. Then, active landlords learn proven techniques to:
* Find tenants who will pay on time.
* Avoid disputes using the sample forms and suggested language for every challenging situation.
* Deal with repairs, tenant problems, eviction, and security deposits.
* Understand liability, legal issues, and recent law changes.
* Cash out at the opportune moment to optimize the investment. The Landlord's Troubleshooter offers savvy advice for the hands-on investor. This do-it-yourself landlording primer addresses what to do to avoid mistakes when renting properties, and outlines the best practices of the most successful landlords.

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