
Asvab 2010 - 9781419550676

Un libro in lingua di (COR) Kaplan edito da Kaplan, 2009

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Kaplan's ASVAB 2010 Edition offers detailed information about the test and reviews the different subjects a potential recruit needs to know, including Word Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, General Science, Mechanical Comprehension, and more.

Features include:

* 3 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations

* Overview of key math concepts

* Key Vocabulary Word List

* Strategies for the computer-adaptive ASVAB

* Content review for each of the subjects covered on the test

* Effective test-taking strategies


Approximately 1.3 million students take the ASVAB each year, including 400,000 recruits and 900,000 high school students.


The ASVAB is offered year-round at more than 14,000 high schools as well as recruiting stations in either paper-and-pencil or computer adaptive format (70% take the computer version).


ASVAB is a battery comprising 10 tests that measure verbal, mathematics, and science/technical skills and knowledge. The AFQT, a composite of ASVAB tests, measures verbal (word knowledge and paragraph comprehension) and mathematics (arithmetic reasoning and mathematics knowledge) abilities.

In addition to determining enlistment eligibility, ASVAB scores are combined into composites and used to assign new recruits into military occupations (e.g., mechanical, electronics, or administrative jobs).


The ASVAB is given once or twice a year at thousands of high schools across the country. The computer-based ASVAB is also given year round at Military Entrance Processing Stations.

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