
From Here to Freshman Year - 9781427797483

Un libro in lingua di (COR) Kaplan edito da Kaplan, 2008

  • Prezzo di Copertina: € 7.40
  • € 12.40
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This all-in-one guide provides information for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders and their parents about what steps to take to prepare for college.

        Included in the book are checklists, timelines, time management, stress reduction, and problem solving tips, and information about how to choose the right college for you.

        Topics include planning courseloads; applying for scholarships; what to do during summer vacations; time management and stress reduction skills; test prep guidance; study abroad; choosing a college; financial aid; career brainstorming; and so much more! Engaging quotes and tons of useful websites are also included throughout.

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