
Martha Quest - 9780060959692

Un libro in lingua di Lessing Doris May edito da Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2001

  • Prezzo di Copertina: € 14.40
  • € 13.68
  • Risparmi il 5% (€ 0.72)

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Intelligent, sensitive, and fiercely passionate, Martha Quest is a young woman living on a farm in Africa, feeling her way through the torments of adolescence and early womanhood. She is a romantic idealistic in revolt against the puritan snobbery of her parents, trying to live to the full with every nerve, emotion, and instinct laid bare to experience. For her, this is a time of solitary reading daydreams, dancing -- and the first disturbing encounters with sex. The first of Doris Lessing's timeless Children of Violence novels, Martha Quest is an endearing masterpiece.

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