
Circles Around the Sun - 9781468300253

Un libro in lingua di Molly McCloskey edito da Overlook Pr, 2012

  • € 23.10
  • Il prezzo è variabile in funzione del cambio della valuta d’origine

Molly McCloskey's exploration of her schizophrenic brother's life (and her own) is a courageous work located between Mary Karr's Lit and Meghan O'Rourke's The Long Goodbye. When Molly was a child, her older brother Mike started showing signs of paranoid schizophrenia. A few years later, he was frequently delusional and heavily medicated.

Then, as a young adult, Molly found herself panicky and drinking heavily—and wondered about her own sanity. She began to piece together a picture of her family history - and the story of how Mike, a gifted student and athlete, was overtaken by an illness that rendered him unrecognizable. Circles Around the Sun is a work of extraordinary intensity. It sheds light not only on Molly's family, but on the myths that all families build for themselves.

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