
General Sales Comparison Approach - 9781419592669

Un libro in lingua di Munizzo Mark A. Musial Lisa Virruso edito da Kaplan, 2008

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This text/workbook focuses on the sales comparison approach to value, with consideration of the appraisal process and principles as they apply to real estate markets. There is also coverage of the scope of work, data collection and market analysis, and highest and best use, to aid students in developing critical thinking in all real estate-related analysis. Lessons are divided into sections on valuation review, the sales comparison approach, graphic analysis, and case studies. Appendices cover appraisal math and statistics and forms of ownership. Learning features include lesson review and section review questions and explained answers, exercises, key terms, learning objectives, real-life examples, and tables and charts illustrating key concepts. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

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