
Practical Lock Picking - 9781597499897

Un libro in lingua di Deviant Ollam edito da Syngress Media Inc, 2012

  • € 44.60
  • Il prezzo è variabile in funzione del cambio della valuta d’origine

Practical Lock Picking, 2nd Edition is presented with rich, detailed full-color diagrams and includes easy-to-follow lessons that allow even beginners to acquire the knowledge they need quickly. Everything from straightforward lock picking to quick-entry techniques like shimming, bumping, and bypassing are explained and illustrated. Whether you're being hired to penetrate security or simply trying to harden your own defenses, this book is essential. This edition has been updated to reflect the changing landscape of tools and tactics which have emerged in recent years

  • Detailed full-color photos make learning as easy as picking a lock
  • Companion website is filled with indispensible lock picking videos
  • Extensive appendix details tools and toolkits currently available for all your lock picking needs

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo del Libro in lingua: Practical Lock Picking
  • Sottotitolo: A Physical Penetration Tester's Training Guide
  • Lingua: English
  • AutoreDeviant Ollam
  • Editore: Syngress Media Inc
  • Collana: Syngress Media Inc (Paperback)
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 24 Settembre '12
  • Genere: COMPUTERS
  • Pagine: 269
  • Dimensioni mm: 234 x 190 x 0
  • ISBN-10: 1597499897
  • EAN-13: 9781597499897