
Mister Jacks - 9780709083429

Un libro in lingua di Wilson Tom edito da ROBERT HALE, 2007

  • € 21.20
  • Il prezzo è variabile in funzione del cambio della valuta d’origine

Mister Jacks is a man naturally more ruthless than his enemies, a condition that serves him well when he is asked to do a favor by his old friend Jacob, the head of a secret anti-terrorist organisation. The favor involves escorting a young lady from Kent to Luxembourg. The young lady is under threat from al-Qaeda and al-Hashashin, but though she is initially their target, their focus shifts to Mister Jacks and they pursue him with a personal vengeance. With his life under threat, Mister Jacks calls upon all his ruthlessness to determine that he goes on living. For if he dies, the young lady dies next—and he would not like such an event to occur.

Informazioni bibliografiche

  • Titolo del Libro in lingua: Mister Jacks
  • AutoreWilson Tom
  • Editore: ROBERT HALE
  • Data di Pubblicazione: 31 Maggio '07
  • Genere: Lingua Inglese
  • ISBN-10: 0709083424
  • EAN-13: 9780709083429